A. Michael Tyler Realty Corp. employs comprehensive, state-of-the-art management solutions for properties of all sizes. Here are the management services we provide:

We do not merely rely on a previous building manager or superintendant’s files to thoroughly get to know your property. We start with a comprehensive site inspection – every nook, every cranny, every system.

Improvement and Operational Efficiency Plans
Based upon the findings of our inspection, we develop an action plan that identifies priorities. We assign the right experts to the right jobs, at the right time – and of course, at the right cost.

Property Communication Protocol
Simply stated, we cannot properly do our job without a communication protocol. Once retained, our property managers immediately establish clear and reliable communications between tenants, managers, and owners. This critical network is designed to accentuate our personal touch and efficiency.

Preventative Maintenance Program
Every homeowner knows that proper maintenance is important to keeping repair costs in line. We take this very basic concept to the extreme. From asphalt to air conditioning units and walls to water heaters, every piece of your property is assigned a comprehensive service regimen designed to maintain its efficiency.

Highly Skilled Personnel
With a high regard for job competency and professionalism, we hire, train, supervise, and manage the employees needed to operate your property. All changes in personnel require the owner’s written approval, so you have ultimate control in who’s looking after your building.

Payroll and Taxes
When necessary, we will contract with an independent firm to prepare and file payrolls, payroll taxes, and payroll forms required under law. This includes unemployment insurance, withholding and social security taxes, and all other tax and other forms relating to employment of building employees.

Repairs and Emergency Response
Plainly stated, we believe in timely maintenance and 24-hour availability for emergency response. We instruct, supervise, and inspect all work performed by building personnel, including maintenance, repairs and janitorial services. We ensure your building’s quality condition with services.

Contractor and Vendor Negotiations and Supervision
With the building owner’s approval, we will negotiate and execute contracts on behalf of the owner. Such contracts include, but are not limited to, those for fuel, elevator, boiler, water treatment, compactors, ventilation, air conditioning, window cleaning, janitorial services, security, pest control, and landscaping.

Litigation Assistance
We provide assistance in coordinating, prosecuting, and/or defending any lawsuits brought by the owner against third parties or by third parties against the owner.

Closing Department
With your approval, we can act as closing agent for your properties. We provide our expertise in the following areas: sales, rentals and sublease, refinancing, alteration application, and jumbo mortgages.